Examples of Augmented Reality in Education
We all know how education plays a significant role in the world today. It ensures the success and growth of our communities, states, and countries across the globe. Although traditional learning is still crucial in today’s classrooms, there is a growing concern about the need for student engagement and innovative teaching methods. Although the US is home to many schools, according to research, the average student performance level was 470, well below their international peers, due to the quality of learning provided. Augmented reality combines real-world experiences with computer-generated elements to enhance the viewers’ experience. Given its potential to enrich the learning experience, incorporating AR technology into the learning process, students can become more invested in their education, leading to a heightened learning and development experience. Augmented reality can also provide teachers with a novel method to inspire the classroom and encourage creativity.
Examples of AR Technology in Education
Augmented reality in education refers to visual and physical examples that can aid students struggling with comprehension. With AR technology, you can transform any subject into creative and understandable experiences that allow students to interact directly with them using a mobile device.
Augmenting textbooks with 3D models, videos, and animations that students can interact with is an excellent way to make the learning experience memorable. Suppose a student reads a book about the solar system and desires to expand their visual understanding. AR can provide information about each planet through text, audio, and images, expanding visual perception. This ideal can enrich students and enhance their ability to learn.
Language learning is another example of augmented reality in education. Mondly, an app powered by chatbots, uses AR technology to create immersive and engaging learning experiences for students in a classroom setting. The chatbot can talk to you and give you feedback on how you pronounce words and provide real-life examples using that words. Through this approach, learners can witness the most unexpected things come to life while acquiring new language skills.
The benefits of augmented reality in education are many, but one of the main aspects is the improvement of students’ learning abilities. Research shows that 70% of students who use AR technology show improvement in their learning and have gained a better understanding of the subjects at hand. So providing them with insights into the past, present, and potential future, augmented reality can facilitate advancement in every student’s educational needs. This timeless learning technique enables students to acquire knowledge beyond conventional boundaries, which brings a whole new perspective to education for the future.
Best Practices for Integrating AR Technology in Education
It is essential to follow these best practices: monitoring screen time and ensuring privacy to avoid the dangers of improper student development. Also, selecting relevant content that is stimulating and age-appropriate for their students and incorporating collaborative activities into lessons while utilizing AR technology can foster peer-to-peer interaction and enhance learning outcomes. By following these best practices, educators can successfully integrate augmented reality into their curriculum and create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students.
The future of augmented reality in education is bright. Getting ahead of this opportunity would benefit school districts as they try to ensure the best future for their students. Despite cost, accessibility, and training challenges, AR technology remains a proactive, interactive, and personalized learning method with endless possibilities.
https://www.blend4web.com/en/demo/solar-system-augmented-reality/ https://research.com/education/us-students-academic-achievements#:~:text=Overall%2C%20American%20students%20placed%2024th,peers%20(Heim%2C%202016)
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