Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in Immersive Technology | QuantumERA®

Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in Immersive Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) uses software and machines to combine computer science and data processing techniques to imitate human intelligence, aiding problem-solving and decision-making. It is an ever-growing tool that has and can change the way we learn and develop the things around us. Using AI is as simple as walking into your home and using your virtual assistant to turn on the lights, or as complex as Amazon Web Services (AWS) using it to monitor and troubleshoot across all types of infrastructures, using millions of data points, including cloud, virtual, or physical setups. Artificial Intelligence is an asset to the technological world, particularly immersive tech. It can expand on interactions between physical and virtual worlds by enabling objects to respond to user input, creating a more personalized consumer experience. While it is a formidable technology with vast potential for developers and businesses, AI poses beneficial and ethical challenges that demand careful consideration.

Though widely recognized in the present day, AI technology has been in existence for a considerable time. However,  recent encounters with OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, have shaped and limited the perceptions of businesses and consumers on artificial intelligence. AI requires an amassed amount of data, but the question arises: where does that data come from? The sources of this data vary, ranging from user interactions and online behavior to structured databases. Ensuring the quality and ethical collection of data is therefore critical to the responsible development and use of AI technologies.

AI can be a creative tool for several things, including automating immersive learning and entertainment. AI improves immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), allowing them to track and recognize real-world objects more effectively. We are currently working on a project that uses artificial intelligence to present a digital replica of a historical individual. We use a powerful narrative generator that allows you to create engaging experiences where users can have ongoing conversations with historical figures who are no longer physically present. Moreover, we input data that AI uses to create a realistic conversation to interact with the character. In this way, AI positively contributes to immersive technology, advancing the future of tech.

Artificial intelligence faces ethical challenges due to its popularity and widespread reliance. Misuse of AI by individuals and businesses has resulted in security and legal complications. A New York Attorney considered AI a convenient tool for gathering court case materials and conducting research. However,  the information produced by the AI chatbot was nonexistent and fabricated. By neglecting to thoroughly assess the chatbot’s information, the Attorney suffered a negative impact on his standing in court. This underscores the growing importance of security and data privacy for businesses and consumers, particularly as AI has the potential to disclose sensitive information that lacks transparency, posing challenges in interpretation. Presently, there are no regulations governing the inappropriate use of AI. Nevertheless, OpenAI is entangled in legal challenges concerning its unapproved data collection. This raises a critical question: given the mentioned concerns, how can we ascertain the origin of the data used by AI? All these considerations extend beyond AI alone and will inevitably influence the landscape of immersive technology.

It is important to note that the need for responsible artificial intelligence practices should start now. Industry standards and regulations must adapt to meet the distinct challenges posed by AI in immersive technologies. Additionally, fostering collaboration between developers, researchers, and policymakers is critical to creating an inclusive framework that ensures the responsible and ethical use of AI in immersive technologies. This proactive approach will enable companies to garner increased user trust and prioritize ethical considerations at the forefront of technological development. Overall, AI intends to do nothing but make immersive tech more immersive. 







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